References – Translations
- translations for the Court in civil, business, and criminal matters;
- translations for the Public Prosecution and the Police in criminal matters;
- translations for Law firms (Vlk&Moreno, Zuzana Firická, Koubíková Lega, Zvolský advokáti);
- translations for legal entities – contracts, Commercial Register, Land Register,
financial reports, audit reports, General Meeting reports; - translations for natural persons – civil registry documents, medical reports,
confirmations, statements, prenuptial agreements, education certificates, income
confirmation, etc.
References – Interpreting
- interpreting for the Court in civil, business, and criminal matters;
- interpreting for the Police in criminal matters;
- interpreting for the Office for International Legal Protection of Children in Brno (UMPOD) – intercountry adoptions;
- interpreting for Spanish Embassy Economic and Commercial office;
- interpreting at business meetings, General Meetings;
- interpreting for natural persons at negotiations at the civil registry, notary office, and
Foreign police.